Page 61 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 61

digitally empowered the citizens,   of the government. India’s largest
        have made e-commerce feasible      and most successful contact
        to every part of the country and   tracing app, Arogya Setu was a
        in turn, enabled the private sector   massive success and became
        to harness this and offer their    the fastest app to reach 50 million
        goods and services to this digitally   downloads  in  the  world.  CO-Win
        equipped customer-base in an       was another such initiative built by
        interesting and systematic way.    the Government that changed the
            From flushing out corruption   vaccination game in the country
        to providing employment, digital   making   everything  accessible
        India has been a game-changer.     online.
        It is to be observed that when the    The   PM’s  mantra   during
        IT revolution happened in India, big   COVID times, ‘Aapda Mein Avsar’,
        giants were set up in the top 20-30   i.e  Opportunity  in  Adversity
        cities of India where employment   was adopted across industries,
        was generated. But the digital     sectors, and businesses; by the
        revolution has spread its roots    entire nation.
        across the country, generating        Additionally,   with    the
        employment     anywhere    and     incredible success of initiatives like
        everywhere. The government has     GeM, the e-procurement portal by
        also established CSCs as the local   the Government, and the GST that
        computerized   service  centres,   is  making the  entire  ecosystem
        set up by locals and employing     purely online and trackable, India
        locals. High-speed connectivity    is on the right path to maximize
        has reached everywhere and         the effect of the digital revolution.
        has paved the way for the             The colossal growth of Digital
        youth to be employed in various    India is not only impacting the
        sectors flourishing because of     economy    but  changing   the
        the digital revolution.  A plethora   perception of India even at the
        of small businesses and digital    global level. From being viewed as
        entrepreneurs  are mushrooming,    an emerging economy waiting to
        all thanks to digitalization.      take off, India has now secured a
            The impact of digital India    place as a leader when it comes
        can be felt across sectors. From   to being an expansive internet
        education   and   entertainment    market. With the advancement
        to e-commerce and banking,         of technology and digitalization,
        every   sector  in  India  has     India is the start-up capital of
        been transformed due to the        the world. With all the ingredients
        introduction  of  digital.  Being  ready in terms of knowledge,
        an entrepreneur, in the tourism    creativity, and innovation, this
        industry, of a business that was   digital platform will only give India
        born online, there have been       a thrust to be the global leader in
        various ways in which MakeMyTrip   the game.
        has channelized the potential of
        Digital India.                     Scan  the  QR  code  to  know
            During    the     COVID-19     more about Shri Deep Kalra's
        pandemic, India saw the success
                                           views on Digital India.
        of some iconic Digital initiatives

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