Page 23 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 23

our mother  and  our  Motherland,   are unique to Indian and probably
        needs    the    four   qualities   exist in no other country. They
        mentioned  above. I am also        give us our unique identity and
        equally convinced that mastery     hold the path for our progress.
        of yoga and a deep experience         Today, we are celebrating
        of spirituality require the same.   75 years of Indian independence
        Moreover, they are all the three   through 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav'
        so deeply connected! Music is all   and our visionary and dynamic
        about the control and regulation   Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji,
        of breath, very much like yoga.    through this, is expressing the
        Indian  Musicians’ life  is longest   nation’s deep love, trust and
        in the World.  Through music       devotion for those great patriots
        also one starts on the journey     and soldiers who have fought
        of the discovery of sound – the    and sacrificed their lives to give
        source of all creation. Music and   us our freedom and to safeguard
        Yoga both help in increasing our   it. I feel proud to be an Indian
        concentration, which is a great    and to celebrate the 75 years of
        need of present time to handle     Independence of my Motherland
        materialistic distractions. At some   India.
        level music cannot be separated       With these few words I offer
        from deep spiritual experience.    my prayers for the growth and
        In fact, perhaps the easiest path   development of our Motherland –
        to yoga and spirituality may be    economic, financial, cultural and
        through music. Finally, I would    spiritual.
                                              Jai Hind. Jai Bharat.
        like to speak about our rich
        heritage of Sanskrit. It is not only        DhY ÀfWX ³ff½f½f°fbÜ
        the language that carries these             ÀfWX ³fü ·fb³f¢°fbÜ
        values, it is also such a scientific       ÀfWX ½fe¹fË IYSX½ff½fW`XÜ
        language that makes speech
                                            °fZªfdÀ½f ³ff½f²fe°f¸fÀ°fb ¸ff d½fdõX¿ff½f W`XÜ
        very clear and articulate.
                                               DhY Vffd³°f: Vffd³°f: Vffd³°f:ÜÜ
            These values and traditions

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