Page 22 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
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and music – and feel deeply
convinced that the country would
make rapid progress when we
emphasize them. When our
children learn about them, it
would lead them on a unique
path. It is because, among others,
they carry the essence of our
For me this Indianness
Pandit Ajoy Chakrabarty lies in our values – love, trust,
devotion, sacrifice. Love for our
Padam Bhushan Awardee,
Indian Classical Vocalist Motherland, deep faith and trust
in her, devotion for her and the
willingness to make sacrifices for
her – these core values can bring
about our unity and integrity
Since our 'Motherland' India and reiterate the unique identity
achieved independence in 1947, of India. What we have learnt in
she has made great strides in our lives are all based on these
terms of national unity and the values. Add to them a fifth value,
establishment of her unique unconditional acceptance of our
identity. Rapid advances have wisdom, tradition, the words of
been made both in the areas our parents and our loved ones. It
of technological progress, is accepting without any doubts
establishment of her digital or questions. This requires love,
footprint across the globe as well trust, devotion and the willingness
as her cultural heritage of more to make sacrifices.
than five thousand years – her Whether it is music, yoga
spirituality, her yoga tradition, or spirituality, the same values
heritage, art literature and are also reflected there. This
music. Among these, I would like is only possible when we are
to emphasize three which are yoked (yoga) to ourselves. I have
deeply linked – spirituality, yoga learnt in my life that music, like
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