Page 21 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 21

stations’ spread across 24 States     Tiranga tells the story of India’s
        and 27  ‘Spotlight  trains’ were   struggle towards  Independence
        identified and their association   and is the pride  of  every Indian
        with the history of the freedom    citizen. This movement aims to
        movement     was    highlighted    promote awareness about our
        through  week-long celebrations    national  flag  by  recognising
        with the families of our freedom   the contribution of the people
        heroes.                            associated with it. From Madam
            In the spirit of Jan Bhagidari,   Bhikaiji  Cama  and  Pingali
        the Governement has organized      Venkayya, who laid the foundation
        various events including the       of the  Tiranga we see today, to
        ‘RashtraGaan’ Campaign, ‘Unity     many other countless people who
        in creativity’, ‘Vande Bharatam –   laid their lives to keep the tricolour
        Nritya Utsav’ and Rangoli Utsav    flying  in  its  full glory- ‘Har  Ghar
        ‘Umang’ which reached almost       Tiranga’ is for every Indian.
        every  district and ignited  pride    The occasion of 75 years of
        among people of the nation.        Indian independence calls from us
        ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ is another      to rekindle the flame ignited by our
        monumental campaign sweeping       freedom fighters and create the
        across the nation to mark the 75    India of their dreams. We must lay
        year of India’s independence.      the groundwork over the next 25
                                           years and move forward towards
                                           Amrit Kaal which is the Kartavya
                                           Kaal, with new resolutions so that
                                           we greet the centenary year of
                                           Indian independence with pride
                                           and gaiety.

                                               PM's Clarion Call
                                              "You should also take out time
                                          to visit one such historical station
                                          in your vicinity. You will get to know
                                          in detail about pages from the
                                          history of the freedom movement
                                          that you have not been aware of.
                                          I urge the students of the nearby
                                          school, and the teachers to take
                                          the small children of their school
                                          to the station and narrate the
                                          whole chain of events to those
                                              "I also have a suggestion that
                                          from the 2  of August to the 15
                                          of August, all of us can place the
                                          tricolor in our social media profile

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