Page 28 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 28

Pingali Venkayya - Architect of the

                       Indian National Flag

            At a time when India is
        celebrating  ‘Azadi  Ka   Amrit
        Mahotsav’ and the ‘Har Ghar
        Tiranga’    Campaign,      the
        significance of the national flag
        enhances manifold. For India, its
        national flag is the representation
        of its values and thoughts. Pingali
        Venkayya, born on 2  nd   August,
        1876 was a freedom fighter who
        gave India this unique identity by   Pingali ji's name will remain and
        designing the national flag.       my family's name will remain. I
            Our Doordarshan team got       cannot express my happiness in
        in touch with his grand children   words. Not only me but our entire
        Gopi Krishna, GV Narasimha and     family is very grateful to the
        Pingal Sushila Dashrath.           Government, Modi ji and Kishan
            “Pingali Venkayya was my       Reddy ji,” said Gopi Krishna.
        grandfather. I was only 3 years       GV Narasimha added that,
        old when he passed away. In the    “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is
        75 years since Independence,       the  brainchild  of  Narendra
        no leader acknowledged my          Modi ji and he has talked about
        grandfather.   Prime   Minister    Pingali Venkayya at the right
        Modi is the first Prime Minister to   time. The main purpose of this
        acknowledge that Shri Pingali      ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ is
        Venkayya is the architect of the   to inculcate patriotism in the
        Indian National Flag. Till now only   youth,  our  generation  and
        our friends knew who we are and    future generations. Similarly, our
        who is Pingali Venkayya, now the   beloved Prime Minister has also
        entire nation knows us. And this   planned to celebrate ‘Har Ghar
        time it is a matter of happiness for   Tiranga’—which  is  wonderful.
        us to remember Pingali Venkayya    I thank the Government for
        on the ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’.   conducting  the   146 th  birth
        Earlier, there used to be mention   Anniversary of our grandfather
        of his name in the textbooks but   Shri Pingali Venkayya.”
        it was removed later. The future      Pingal   Sushila   Dashrath
        generations should know about      also expressed her gratitude.
        their history. If we know our history   She said, “I feel very happy.
        only then can we move forward.     This is a wonderful feeling and
        As per my knowledge the flag       a great moment for us as his
        never changes and as long          family members. It is a great
        as it remains tricolor, India will   achievement for all Indians. Jai
        remain, my maternal grandfather    HInd!”

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