Page 25 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 25
India’s diplomatic
ties have also
enhanced with
many countries
including the Middle
East. PM Modi is
committed to a very
generous and liberal
philosophy. He is the
cultural ambassador
of country. The
abrogation of Article
370, celebration
of International
Yoga Day around the globe, the because if we are not, the Army
Startup India programme that can't be strong. In this sense, PM
encourages the youth to be the Modi has brought change. It is to
job creators instead of being the be understood that Ahimsa was a
job seekers — all these reflect method of fighting the British and
the monumental decisions of his there were other methods using
leadership. Last week, we saw our
force which were also working
players win multiple medals in the alongside. We should be practical
Commonwealth Games 2022. This
in our approach for development
Government has improved the
and we must modernise. That is
standard of sports in our country
how India is becoming a major
which was crucial. This shows
that PM Narendra Modi can bring power.
development not only in some Improvement in education
areas but in most areas. which is inclusive of basic aspects
The idea of ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ like skill, humanity and universal
is great. It is wonderful that people morality is indispensable for the
will have tiranga at home for three overall development of the nation.
days. Our citizens feel that India For us to keep progressing, we
has a new found respect in the have to remember what we were,
world community. If we talk about what we have achieved in the last
our freedom movement, I believe
75 years and what we are going
that we did not get freedom by
to become in this celebration of
Ahimsa merely. The rebellion of our
‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. We
soldiers made the British realise
should progress economically,
that they could not continue
our habits should change and
ruling in India. Therefore, we must
philosophically, we must be open
understand that Ahimsa should
be our principle in our social, and follow a scientific approach
political and national life but to religion. All these things are
globally we must also be strong. important for a New India for
And in order to be strong we which a strong leadership is
must be industrially progressive necessary.
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