Page 24 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 24


                                TOWARDS PROGRESS

                                           elected as the Prime Minister and
                                           bowed his head at the threshold
                                           of the Parliament House saying, “I
                                           am not the Prime Minister but the
                                           Prime Servant.” The ladies from
                                           that train recognised him as the
                                           same person who had given them
                                           his seat all those years ago. That is
                                           the kind of man our Prime Minister
                                           is and he is bringing so many
                                           changes in the country.
                                              Within these 75 years, the
              Dr. S L Bhyrappa             country has changed a lot but the
            Novelist, philosopher and      rate of change has been very fast
                  Screenwriter             during PM Modi's regime. There
                                           used to be lack of toilets in the
                                           villages; men and women used
                                           to defecate outside. Now, girls are
            I was born in 1931 and I was   refusing to marry into families with
        16 years old when India got        no toilets infact, in schools girls
        Independence. I have experienced   are rightfully demanding clean
        the rural India before we got      and sanitised toilets. Not only
        Independence and it has changed    that, every villager has got a bank
        a lot, more so under the leadership   account. Whatever compensation
        of Shri Narendra Modi. I remember   the Government gives, it goes
        long ago, two lady civil services   straight to the person’s  bank
        officers were travelling by train   account.  The   meddling   of
        from Delhi to Ahmedabad for their   agents  and  politicians  have
        next stage of training. The train was   been eliminated. So many towns
        travelling full and the ladies had   and cities are also cleaner than
        no seat reservation. They  asked   before and we have improved
        the TTE to help them who said      economically as well. Under Prime
        that he could only help if he finds   Minister Modi, progress of women
        an empty seat. Nearby, a young     has  been   tremendous.   They
        man was sitting with his friend in   have become army soldiers and
        the same coach and upon seeing     fighter pilots.  More  females are
        their situation, offered their own   becoming judges. Triple talaq has
        seats to the ladies and sleeping on   been abolished. All the sections of
        the floor themselves for the night.   the Indian society have improved.
        Later, when Narendra Modi was         We have become self-reliant.

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