Page 47 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 47

Professor Shripati Tudu :

              Translated the Constitution in OI Chiki script

        The Constitution of India is
        considered as one of the most
        elaborated   constitutions  in
        the world.  Prof.  Shripati  Tudu
        translated the Constitution for
        the Santhali community in their
        own language. In an interaction
        with Doordarshan team, Shripati
        Tudu talks about his initiative.
        Shripati Tudu, a professor of
        Santhali language from Purulia,    Constitution. That was the
        West   Bengal,  realized  that
                                           moment when the thought of
        due to the diversity in Indian
                                           translating  the  Constitution
        languages, many people are not     of India in my mother tongue,
        able to read the Constitution,     Santhali  occurred  to  me.  Once
        he decided to translate it to
                                           I finished the Santhali version of
        his mother tongue, Santhali, in
                                           Constitution of India, I gifted it to
        OI Chiki script and became a       the Santhali community so that
        part of the visionary Ek Bharat    they can read and understand
        Shrestha Bharat programme.
                                           about the great nation that
        He said, “I had only heard         they call their home and know
        about  the  Constitution  and  the   more about their rights and
        fact that our country functions    duties. Today, I am happy to
        through it. I never got a chance   see  that  people are  seeking
        to study it. Growing up, when      for the Santhali version of the
        I got the opportunity to read      Constitution and reading it.
        it, I realized that it is important   It’s gleeful to see that my work
        for  each  and every  Indian       is reaching the masses and
        to read and understand the         fulfilling its purpose.”

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