Page 46 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 46

Kalpana- A young champion of

                          Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

          The spirit of Ek Bharat Shrestha   told about my struggle to my
          Bharat is getting stronger.      grandfather, who then brought
          The  Prime  Minister,  during  his   me to Mysuru with him.  Here I
          ‘Mann Ki Baat’, mentioned that   met Professor Taramurthy who
          Kalpana is the true epitome      helped me with my admission
          of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat.    in Rangarao memorial School
          Doordarshan  team interacted     for Disabled. At that time, I didn’t
          with Kalpana to know about her   understand  Kannada  at  all,  but
          journey:                         my classmates, my teachers
                                           and    Professor   Taramurthy
                                           helped  me  a  lot in  learning  the
                                           language. They interacted with
                                           me in Kannada only, so that I
                                           learn the language fast. But then,
                                           the  pandemic  occurred  and  my
                                           classes at the school stopped.
                                           That’s when Professor Taramurthy
                                           started  teaching  me  at  home
                                           and motivated me to appear for
                                           the Secondary School Leaving
                                           Certificate exam. I learnt Kannada
                                           in just 3 months and scored 92
                                           marks in the language. I am very
          “I was in third standard when I   thankful to Hon’ble Prime Minister
          lost my eyesight due to TB, which   Shri Modi ji. His words about me
          increased a lot of challenges for   have boosted my spirits even
          me. I was studying in Dehradun   more and now I am motivated to
          and  it  became  difficult  for   study further and become an IAS
          me to adjust in the school. I    officer one day.”

          To know more about
          Kalpana's journey,
          scan the QR code

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