Page 48 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 48

essential eleMents of the Unity and
                                         excellence of india

                                           “Everything  in India  attracts me.
                                           Whatever a person, with the
                                           highest aspirations, needs for
                                           his development, he can get
                                           all that in India.” This emotion
                                           is  probably  finding  its  root  in
                                           India. This country has always
                                           accepted the  doctrine of  “Sarv
                                           Bhoot   Hite  Ratah”   (devote
                                           yourself to the well-being of all
                                           beings). When  Barrister  M. K.
              Prof. J S Rajput
                                           Gandhi was thrown out of the rail
         ex-Director, NCERT and currently
                                           couch at the Pietermaritzburg
          Chairman of Governing Board
                                           station in South Africa, despite
          of UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi
                                           having a valid ticket, in such an
         Institute of Education for Peace
                                           insulting situation, he wondered
          and Sustainable Development
                                           what good will it serve even if
                                           he avenged this disrespect. He
        In  the  last  eight  years,  India’s   broadened his perspective and
        prestige has increased all over    devoted himself completely to
        the world. Translating the Prime   the eradication of apartheid.
        Minister’s  vision,   diligence,   Each broadcast of ‘Mann Ki Baat’
        dedication and sensitivity into    by the Prime Minister reflects the
        action,  several  projects  have   idea of expanding one’s horizons.
        brought a positive difference in
                                           In the 89  episode, he has given
        the quality and life of the person
                                           many    examples   of   mutual
        standing  at the last  end of the
                                           bonding between the people
        queue. Taking a bird's eye view of
                                           of different regions, underlining
        this, it is quite obvious that there
                                           the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat Shreshtha
        has  been  an  unprecedented
                                           Bharat’. At the same time, he
        expansion of opportunities for the
                                           encouraged people to take care
        youth in  India. As  a result,  there
                                           of themselves and also exhorted
        have  been  many  never-seen-
                                           the listeners to fulfill the humane
        before innovations by Indian
                                           responsibility of feeding the birds
        youth. They have created ample
                                           and animals. Unity in Diversity
        employment opportunities for
                                           along with this understanding of
                                           the divine debt of Mother Nature
        The need of the hour is for        makes  my  Bharat  a  Shreshtha
        every  youth  to  be familiar  with   Bharat. It is in India alone where
        Mahatma  Gandhi’s  words  that     nature,  the  flora  and  fauna,  and
        he said on 21  February, 1929:     even the rivers and mountains are
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