Page 50 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 50

teertha sewa
                                 Cleanliness and Spirituality

                    Friends, just as a pilgrimage is   The concept of cleanliness or
        important here, equally important   Swachhata is an inseparable part
        is ‘teertha sewa’. I would also    of Indian tradition and culture.
                                           It is evident from the drainage
        say that without ‘teertha sewa’,
                                           system of Indus Valley civilization
        a pilgrimage is also incomplete.
                                           that cleanliness and sanitation
        Wherever  we go,  let us  maintain
                                           are fundamental principles of
        the dignity of these pilgrimage
                                           town planning in India since
        sites. Purity, cleanliness and a
                                           ancient times. As civilization
        pious environment… we should
                                           progressed,   swachhata    has
        never forget these and for that, it
                                           taken centre stage in almost
        is imperative that we abide by the
                                           every tradition, sacred texts and
        resolution of cleanliness.
                                           cultural practices, for instance in
                                           the Bhagavad Geeta, ‘shaucham’
          – Prime Minister Narendra Modi   or cleanliness is considered as an
           (in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)  important  dharma. It is evident
                                           that sanitation and cleanliness
                                           formed  the  foundation  of  all
                                           the faiths that exist in India and
                                           our holy scriptures have been
                                           instrumental in motivating people
                                           to embrace clean thoughts and
                                           clean living.
                                           “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”
                                           All of us are aware of this famous
                                           saying by Mahatma Gandhi. It
           “I  humbly  thank   Prime
                                           means that being clean is a sign
           Minister  Narendra   Modi
                                           of spiritual purity or goodness.
           for appreciating me in his
                                           Spirituality has a  profound
           ‘Mann Ki Baat’ speech. As       connection   with   cleanliness.
           he mentioned, to keep           For one to immerse fully in the
           Uttarakhand clean and pure      spiritual process, internal as
           is not only the responsibility   well as external cleanliness is a
           of the locals, but also of the   prerequisite and that is why, we
           devotees.”                      find  places  of  worship  as  one  of
                     – Champa Devi,        the most clean places in a society.
                   Swachhata Warrior       The  holy  pilgrimage  of  ‘Char
                    from Devar village     Dham’ in Uttarakhand is currently
                                           underway.    The    pilgrimage

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