Page 64 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 64

yoGa – the Basis of healthy livinG

                                           focus of public consciousness.
                                           The idea of International Day of
                                           Yoga  was  first  expressed  by  the
                                           Hon’ble Prime Minister during
                                           his speech at the United Nations
                                           General Assembly (UNGA) on 27
                                           September, 2014. Subsequently,
                                           India’s Permanent Representative
                                           Ashok  Mukherjee tabled the
                                           draft resolution in the UN General
                                           Assembly. This initiative received
              Sanjeev Mehta                support   from  many    global
          President FICCI, and CEO & MD,   leaders. A total of 177 nations
                                           co-sponsored the resolution, the
             Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
                                           highest number of co-sponsors
                                           for any such UNGA resolution.
                                           Thus, 21   June  was  officially
        The origin of Yoga in India dates
                                           designated as the International
        back to about 5,000 years ago      Day of Yoga.
        in the northern part of India. It is
        a spiritual discipline based on a   At present, this International Day
                                           is celebrated globally in about 190
        highly  refined  knowledge,  which
                                           countries. It is also celebrated at
        focuses  on  bringing  harmony  in
        mind and body. The word ‘Yoga’     all  the Indian  High  Commissions
        derives from the Sanskrit word     and Indian Embassies abroad.
        ‘yuj’, which means ‘to connect’ or   In India, on the occasion of
        ‘to be united’. In India, there has   International Day of Yoga on
        been an old tradition of practicing,   21  June, Yoga sessions are
        teaching and preaching of Yoga.    organized on a large scale in the
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi has   morning,  in  which  people  from
        made a significant contribution in   all walks of life as well as school-
                                           children, college-students and
        making Yoga a mass movement
                                           general public participate.
        in modern times. Right from his
        public speeches to practicing      The   theme   of   this  year’s
        Yoga himself, he is an inspiration   International Day of Yoga is
        for others. His focus on Yoga,     —  ‘Yoga  for  Humanity’.  One
        fitness  and  alternative  medicine   hundred different organizations
        system has played an important     are organizing mass sessions of
        role in making the various         Yoga for 100 days at 100 places in
        dimensions of healthy living,      different parts of the country. The

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