Page 41 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 41

of farmers, boost exports and
          “It gives us a great motivational
          push to see our work getting     increase employment generation.
                                              Beekeeping, which is both an
          recognized on such a platform
                                           art and fascinating science, is one
          by the Hon’ble PM. It also gives
                                           of the oldest practices in India and
          us a sense of responsibility
                                           has gained vast popularity in the
          to perform better in the field.
          It encourages many other         recent few years as people across
          beekeepers to grow their         the nation are pursuing it as a
          businesses and adopt honey       profitable occupation. With the
                                           advent of scientific developments
          production as a sustainable
                                           in the sector and support provided
                         -Nimit Singh      by the Government, a large
                           Beekeeper       number of men, women, children,
                                           and farmers are taking active
        marketing and exporting it, and    participation  in  bee  farming
        giving a leg-up to the beekeepers.   across the nation.
        With initiatives like the National    The Prime Minister, in his
        Beekeeping and  Honey
        Mission  (NBHM),   thrust
        is being given to the
        development  of scientific
        methods of beekeeping,
        holistic   growth     of
        the    beekeepers    and
        infrastructural  facilities
        for collecting, processing,
        trading,   testing,  and
        branding honey and other
        beehive   products   are
        being set up.
            'The  Madhu    Kranti'
        portal is another advanced
        initiative of the National
        Bee Board under NBHM,
        developed    for   online
        registration  to  achieve
        a traceability source of
        honey and other beehive
        products  on   a   digital
        platform.   Along   with
        checking the quality and
        source   of  adulteration
        of honey, the platform is
        an   excellent  innovator
        to increase the income

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