Page 40 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 40



                                              The Hon'ble Prime Minister,
            In Ayurveda texts, honey
                                           Narendra Modi has envisioned a
        has been described as an elixir.
                                           ‘Sweet Revolution' in India. This is a
        The sweetness of honey is
                                           strategic step to put emphasis on
        also changing the lives of our
                                           the increase in honey production
        farmers, and increasing their
                                           in the country, thus paving a
                                           way for doubling the farmer's
        -Prime Minister Narendra Modi      income and also ensuring that
         (in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)   honey, nature's wonder, becomes
                                           an integral part of the Indian
                                           lifestyle leading to a healthy and
                                           Atmanirbhar Bharat.
                                              Bees   play  an   important
                                           role in the development of the
                                           agricultural sector by increasing
                                           the yields of the crops. Beekeeping
                                           also supplements income and
                                           employment    generation.  On
                                           the other  hand,  honey's highly
                                           effective medicinal benefits have
                                           been known to humankind since
             “I am extremely grateful      ancient times, and have a crucial
          to the Hon’ble Prime Minister    spot reserved in traditional health
          Narendra   Modi,  who   in       science. Amazingly, these benefits
          his recent ‘Mann ki Baat’        hold sway in modern medicine,
                                           even today.
          address shared my work and
          success story on such a huge        In the 75  year of India's
                                           Independence,    the     Sweet
          platform, reaching millions
                                           Revolution, that is envisioned,
          of Indians. It is an excellent
                                           is promoting beekeeping for
          source of inspiration for
                                           accelerating the production of
          people across the nation and
                                           honey and other related products,
          gives them the motivation
                                           and in turn, encouraging economic
          to work meticulously in their
                                           growth of the rural economy.
          respective fields and for the
                                              The Government of India is
          country at large”
                                           making sincere efforts to further
                  –Subhash Kamboj,
                                           boost  the  production of honey,
             Beekeeper from Haryana
                                           exploring  new   avenues    for
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