Page 42 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 42
possesses over 800 colonies, and
sells tons of honey with ranges of
botanical honey like Jamun, Tulsi
and Amla.
Even the youth today,
scientifically trained and
professionally advanced, are
making apiculture a source of
self-employment. One such
aspirational account, also shared
by the PM, was of Nimit Singh from
Gorakhpur, UP. A B.Tech graduate,
whose father is a doctor, decided
to pursue honey production and is
now earning well from honey and
bee wax.
Following its demand in
the national and international
markets, there has been an
exponential rise in the production
of honey by farm and non-farm
households in India and a surge in
the export of honey to international
markets has also been observed.
Beekeeping and honey
production in India is, therefore, a
recent ‘Mann ki Baat’, shared four pivotal agri-business with limitless
inspiring stories of Indians who are opportunities for the youth, that
not only practicing beekeeping not only promises good returns
and making a handsome to the beekeepers but also helps
income out of the same but are increase agricultural productivity
also performing wonders in the and overall agri-development of
production of honey by bringing the nation.
innovation to the process. Subhash
Kamboj from Yamunanagar, PM’s clarion call
Haryana, who started with "The country has started
merely six boxes is now engaged campaigns like National
in beekeeping with over two Beekeeping and Honey Mission,
farmers have worked hard,
thousand boxes; Vinod Kumar
and the sweetness of our
from Palli village of Jammu is also
honey has started reaching
beekeeping in more than one
across the world. There are
and a half thousand colonies in
still many opportunities in this
his village; Madhukeshwar Hegde
field. I would like our youth to
from Karnataka who availed a
join these opportunities, take
subsidy from the Government of
advantage of them and realize
India for 50 bee colonies, today
newer possibilities."