Page 44 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 44
Mission that started in August
2017 from the President’s Estate
in the National Capital and
reached different geographies
of the country touching upon
the poorest of the poor. With
innumerable firsts to its credit,
Honey Mission has benefitted
thousands of farmers, Adivasis,
women, unemployed youth
and migrant workers with self-
Vinai Kumar Saxena
employment and sustainable
Lieutenant Governor of Delhi & livelihood by promoting
Former Chairman, KVIC beekeeping. It is pertinent to
mention the biggest contribution
of Honey Mission to the mankind
– protecting the ecology and
ensuring food security by
Small beginnings have often
encouraging beekeeping.
yielded greater results. At times
of bigger dimensions and greater I quote Albert Einstein:
significance that bring about a sea “If bees disappear from the
change in the lives of the people. surface of the earth, man would
This holds true for Honey Mission, have no more than four years left
a small step towards realizing the to live”.
Hon’ble Prime Minister’s clarion So far, more than 1.70 lakh bee
call of “Sweet Kranti” or Sweet boxes have been distributed by
Revolution in the country which KVIC across the country creating
primarily envisaged increasing over 50,000 employment and
India’s honey production but in producing nearly 15,000 MT of
just 5 years, has taken a big stride pure honey under this flagship
towards shaping the lives of the scheme. It is, indeed, a matter of
poor and the marginalized. great pride that in these five years,
As the Chairman of Khadi and Honey Mission has added over
Village Industries Commission 8,500 million bees in the nature
(KVIC), I had the privilege that are crucial for maintaining
of spearheading the Honey the ecological balance.