Page 68 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 68
ARKidzoo: Making Learning Fun with
Augmented Reality
ARKidzoo is a brand that we chose a circular shape for
offers interactive and fun- our cards. Parents were initially
learning products for children, reluctant to use our products as
merging traditional learning it involved mobile phones. But
and innovative technology, i.e., eventually they realized that kids
Augmented Reality (AR). anyway are using phones these
Our Doordarshan team talked days and ARKidzoo products can
to the co-founders of the startup, be a great replacement for the
Dharmesh Gohil and Kajal Gohil. other non-educational content.
“We have given a digital and can at least learn something
twist to the traditional toys. For from this.”
example, our ‘elephant’ card may Dharmesh further said,
appear as a normal 2-D flash “During the Vibrant Gujarat
card. But using the phone and our Summit in 2018, a lot of people from
app, the kids, from the comfort other countries and especially
of their homes, can see how the Indians residing abroad were
animal looks and sounds in real attracted by our products. It was
life through AR as it pops up on the latter’s feedback which led
their screens. In addition, they also us to develop our products in
get to learn how to pronounce regional languages as well.”
the particular word which aids “We are grateful to the Prime
in enhancing their vocabulary,” Minister for mentioning our startup
Dharmesh said. in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address. We
To this, Kajal added, “ARKidzoo got overwhelmed after hearing
uses recycled products and our company’s name in the
food-grade ink to make these address. After the episode, our
cards, which are safe for kids. sales have increased twice in just
And keeping kids’ safety in mind, a matter of a few days. Previously,
we had to look for customers.
Now customers themselves are
coming to us.”
“We have collaborated with
over 40 pre-schools across
India. We have also delivered our
products to 16 countries around
the globe. And after our mention
in ‘Mann ki Baat’, more and more
people are approaching us for
collaboration, from India and