Page 69 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 69
Funvention is Making STEAM
Learning Easier
Funvention makes activity educational toys for kids, with
kits, which allows kids to STEAM concepts.
explore the STEAM (Science, When we started the
Technology, Engineering, Arts, company, we received great
and Mathematics) concepts. The response from the customers.
DIY kits for building toys help kids Unfortunately, soon after that
learn and discover a particular my brother passed away due to
toy’s fundamental concept and cancer. It was then that I decided
working mechanism. to quit my IT job and dedicate
Co-founder and CEO of the
myself completely to fulfill his
startup, Milind Vadnere talked to
our Doordarshan team.
Funvention’s strength is
“We (Milind and his brother
STEAM-based education toys
and co-founder Kamlesh
and we have different lines of
Vadnere) started Funvention
products for each of the streams.
some five to six years back from
For instance, our drip irrigation
our home. We realized that
activity kit can help a child learn
not many innovative toys are
about the concept, as well as
available in the market for kids.
about water management. In the
I have worked in the IT industry
last five years, we have launched
for 12 years and my brother had
over a hundred products. We
experience in designing and
digital art. Combining both, we have also started a new brand
thought we could build some under which we provide puzzles
and ready-to-play activities.
In our journey so far, the Start-
Up India initiative has played a
crucial role as it provided us with
several platforms where we could
showcase our products and
reach out to more customers.
And now by mentioning us in his
‘Mann ki Baat’ address, the Prime
Minister has made our journey
ahead easier. Now, we can reach
out to even schools and villages
with our products.”