Page 65 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
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same period, exports investments. In Jewar,
have increased by 61.38 Uttar Pradesh 134 units
percent. have committed to
The hon’ble PM
setting up factories
has also called upon
with an estimated
young entrepreneurs
investment of 1,500
and startups to make
toys based on Indian Crores and direct
Ethos and culture. employment of
Therefore, in an effort to around 15,000 persons.
develop talent among In Koppal, Karnataka
the younger generation,
backed by the Toy
the government has
Policy of the region,
also supported the
Toycathon 2021, and the a Toy Park with a
winners have received Domestic Tariff Area
assistance from the sector. & an SEZ is being
Initiatives like Toy Biz (2022) established on over
and the government-
500 acres. Many Big
sponsored Virtual National
international brands
Toy Fair (2021) have both
like MGA, Hasbro, and
proven effective in bridging
the final mile between Disney are setting up
makers and retailers. their facilities there.
Through this, traditional And to top it all off, a
toy makers had the National Action Toy
opportunity to showcase
Plan is already in
their skills to domestic and
place, involving tight
international audiences.
Reverse engineering collaboration across
on products and backward 16 ministries, the trade,
integration of supply and all current and
chains have begun in the potential partners.
toy trade as well. In addition In bringing the
to modifying existing
Hon’ble PM’s vision
technologies, India is also
of TOYCNOMY to life,
creating new ones based
on the available resources toy manufacturers
and raw materials. are showcasing
The process of establishing utmost dedication
large units with all in- and commitment
house support has
and elevating this
begun, and the trade has
profession to a
made making significant
booming industry.
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