Page 29 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 29

the products/services  delivered.   a    sustainable,   scalable
        Today, 1bridge is present in over   technology platform that could
        75 districts across six states and   unleash  the  potential  of  youth
        has a network of over 9000+        as entrepreneurs, who can
        entrepreneurs. Last year alone,    serve their village communities.
        1Bridge carried out over about 22
                                           He truly believes that the
        million transactions across all of
                                           aspirations of villagers, their
        its villages in these 75 districts.
                                           talent  and   entrepreneurial
        Sh.   Padaki   expressed    his    energy, when combined with
        gratitude to the Prime Minister for   the power of technology, can
        recognizing 1Bridge’s efforts in his   create a new rural India. He
        ‘Mann ki Baat’ address. He told    calls this new rural India as
        that 1Bridge was also selected as   ‘Ruban’. “We have coined a
        a National Startup Award winner    word called ‘Rubanomics’ as
        for 2022 and this recognition by   a new socio-economic model
        DPIIT  helped  them  to  be  in  the   for the development of our
        spotlight.                         villages. My dream is to see
        Sh. Padaki has been working with   every village in our country
        youth for over two decades. He,    develop on the Rubanomics
        along with two other co-founders,   model where every youth is
        started  a  company  in  2000      empowered,     every   young
        called MeritTrac, India’s first skills   person has an opportunity to
        assessment entity. In 2011, they   earn a phenomenal income
        started a foundation called ‘Head   as an entrepreneur, and every
        Held High Foundation’, where       youth is a change maker trying
        they took in uneducated village    to help the village community
        youth, and transformed them        in adopting new technologies
        into English-speaking,  computer   and agricultural practices, do
        literate  professionals.  He  firmly   better  financial  management
        believes that the village youth    of  their household incomes,
        have untapped potential, but due   and   access   the  best   of
        to the dearth of opportunities,    products and services for their
        they end up migrating to cities.   children and their families,” he
        This  inspired  him to  create     expressed.

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