Page 26 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 26
Start-up Ecosystem relies on a culture of
innovation & learning: Falguni Nayar
and long and varied experiences,
setting high standards for
budding leaders. Mentorship
can have a multiplier effect on
a company and be a catalyst to
corporate innovation in general,
integrating external and internal
thought leadership together,
and thereby developing new
mentors of the future who
can further develop their own
leadership networks, impacting
an even larger landscape.
Falguni Nayar founded Nykaa in
My own experiences as a mentor
2012 and today it has emerged
and mentee have played a
as India’s leading beauty
significant role in shaping my
retailer playing a critical role in
corporate career followed by my
developing the beauty market
role as an entrepreneur building
in India. Our Doordarshan team
Nykaa. This legacy of the right
talked to her to know her views
mentorship has had a big impact
on how mentorship is important
on shaping Nykaa’s values
for start-ups.
and culture as an organization
“The start-up ecosystem relies with a focus on being good, a
heavily on a culture of innovation culture of inclusivity, corporate
and learning, and mentorship governance, and sustainable
can hence play a critical role business operations, amongst
in catapulting an organization others. Mentorship across levels
and the industry it operates in. has allowed our company to
India has been witnessing this foster and develop a common
compound effect play out over set of values and ways of
the last few years, with countless working.
new start-ups and business
In addition, we actively mentor
models being birthed, inspired
and develop entrepreneurs in-
by the development in the
house as we acquire and build
ecosystem over the last decade.
our consumer brands within the
At the heart of a start-up’s
Nykaa ecosystem, not just in
success is solving problems for
terms of empowering them with
customers and value accretion
technical know-how and the
and betterment of society.
right tools, but the focus is also
A mentor demonstrates personal on the values that shape true
values built out of perseverance leadership.”