Page 30 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 30
Meera Shenoy: Unleashing the true potential of
Divyang Youth
Every nation’s strength lies in disabilities with market-relevant
its youth power. They have skills and helping them to get
the potential to spearhead jobs. Their efforts have helped
the country into a progressive a large number of specially-
and developed nation. Prime abled individuals earn and live a
Minister Narendra Modi dignified life.
stressed on the importance of
Talking about her work, Ms.
mentorship in entrepreneurship
Shenoy said, “The reason why I
in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address.
decided to work with youth with
One such mentor, who is doing
disabilities is because 80% of the
a tremendous job of uplifting
world's disabled population is in
youth with disabilities is Ms.
developing countries like India.
Meera Shenoy, Founder-CEO,
Most of them are poor. They
have low education, poor health,
Ms. Shenoy founded Youth4Jobs, and therefore they live for years
a passionate 185-person strong together in the cycle of poverty.
team dedicated to educating So, I thought that if I can work with
and skilling youth with these youth who are so vulnerable
and transform
their lives
skilling and
help them get
jobs, it would
be wonderful.”
trains them
and puts them
into entry level
jobs in good
co mp ani es .
Today, they
work with
about 1,100
co mp ani es .
To provide
ed ucate d
youth to these
they started