Page 28 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 28

1Bridge- Transforming Rural India
                         Through Entrepreneurship

          “Gandhi ji has always said       become entrepreneurs and thrive
          that the real Bharat lies in our   in their villages.
          villages. If we can improve the
                                           1Bridge, a village commerce
          lives of villagers by creating a
                                           network, was started in 2014 to
          sustainable economic model in
                                           help the rural entrepreneurs
          the village itself, then the country
                                           deliver a variety of services to
          will flourish in a very progressive
                                           rural citizens, with the help of
          way,”   says   Sh.
                                                  technology. These young
          Madan      Padaki,
                                                  entrepreneurs,   called
          the  man    behind
                                                  1Bridge advisors, act as
          the   network   of
                                                  digital ambassadors to
          thousands of village
                                                  the  village.  They  help
                                                  the villagers with mobile
          making villages a
                                                  recharges, bill payments,
          self-sustaining,  growing  eco-
                                           direct money transfers, buying
          systems of entrepreneurships.
                                           insurance, etc. They also help
          At a time when India boasts      them    to   buy   aspirational
          touching  the  mark  of  100     products,  without  having  to
          unicorns,  it   is  perfectly    travel  to  the  city.  And  finally,
          befitting   to   recognize   the   they ensure that the product is
          commendable work being done      delivered to their doorstep. The
          by organisations like 1Bridge    entrepreneurs are able to earn
          in empowering rural youth to     incomes on a regular basis from

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