Page 31 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 31
their college
pr og ra mm e,
wherein they go
to the colleges,
look for the youth
with disabilities
and train them.
Besides this, they
also sensitize
these companies
about disabilities
and help them
understand the
job roles in which
the differently-
abled people
could fit in.
“I am happy to
say that today
we are the largest
organization in
inspiring. Especially mothers
South Asia in this space. These
youth, who we train and who give us a lot of blessings.” she
are into jobs, go back to their proudly said.
villages. They earn 200 times It is truly inspiring how the
more than their father, who organisation is empowering
might be a marginal farmer. the Divyang youth who have
Many times, they earn more than untapped potential and
their non-disabled sister and transforming their lives and
brother. The work is extremely those of their families.