Page 34 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 34

of the overall growth of their     providing food to the needy, or
        communities.                       spreading awareness — their
                                           unparalleled contribution proved
        In more ways than one, women
                                           to be a major impetus in Prime
        SHGs are the champions of the
                                           Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of
        AatmaNirbhar Bharat Campaign.
                                           a self-reliant nation.
        These   SHGs   are   not   only
        empowering  women  financially     The Government has taken several
        but also transforming them into    important initiatives to provide
        leaders  of  social  growth  and   them with necessary training,
        national  development.   When      economic     assistance   and
        the country was hit by COVID-19    opportunities for their progress.
        pandemic, women SHGs rose          The    Deendayal    Antyodaya
        to this extraordinary challenge.   Yojana-National     Livelihoods
        Be it making masks, sanitizers,    Mission (DAY-NRLM) organizes the
                                           rural  poor  women  into  Self-Help
                                           Groups that provide them with a
          "The Prime Minister's praise is   voice, space and resources. The
          a matter of joy for us.This is a   Mission  continuously  nurtures
          victory for all SHGs. I wish to   and supports them to improve
          express my thanks on behalf of   their quality of life.
          all its members."
                                           Regular training programmes are
                       - Manimekalai       conducted for the SHG members
                  Women SHG member,        on SHG management, linking
                           Thanjavur       up  with  the  markets,  financial
                                           literacy, and livelihoods-related
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