Page 32 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 32
self-help GroUps
Empowering Women for an AtmaNirbhar Bharat
Thanjavur Doll, besides being In today’s world, the role of
beautiful that it is, is also women has changed significantly
scripting a new saga of women and for the better. Throughout
empowerment. Women’s history, women have not only
Self-Help Groups stores and ensured stability, but have also
kiosks are also opening up in contributed towards long-term
Thanjavur. Because of this, the development of nations. And
lives of many poor families have when we talk about our own
changed. With the help of such country, there have been several
kiosks and stores, women are inspiring women in India’s history
now able to sell their products who have led the masses and
directly to the customers. paved the way for other women
to follow.
– Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
(in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)
rightly says, “We cannot achieve
success if 50 per cent of our
population being women are
locked at home.” Within a society,
women have important roles to
perform. A major thrust area of the
Government has been to nurture
women entrepreneurs through
financial support, skilling and
training. As India catapults to a
"Since the Prime Minister
major global economic power, the
mentioned us (in 'Mann ki
need for women’s participation
Baat'), people from outside
in the nation’s growth story is
have come in search of us
becoming significant day by day.
to buy things. This national
recognition has given us an In his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ address, the
opportunity to become more Prime Minister recounted how
well known. On behalf of 22 he had received an interesting
SHGs, I would like to express my gift from a Self-Help Group from
thanks." Thanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The gift,
which the Prime Minister deemed
- Brinda,
as being “full of colours of the
Women SHG member,
creativity of the countrymen
and their artistic talent”, was a