Page 53 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 53
Prime Minister Narendra Modi inspecting the Kedarnath development project
2 October, 2014, as a nation- Rudraprayag, who is engaged in
wide movement. In addition, the making holy places plastic free,
Government also emphasizes on and Surendra Bagwadi, hailing
mass scale behavioural change from Guptkashi, who runs regular
regarding importance of hygiene. cleanliness programmes. The
As a result of this movement, Prime Minister also talked about
citizens are now becoming Champa Devi, from village Devar,
active participants in cleanliness who has been teaching waste
activities across the nation, management to women of the
making it a ‘jan andolan’. village and is also involved in
plantation activities which have
The Prime Minister believes
that cleanliness is not just our
responsibility, but our sanskar.
And when this sanskar is passed “It is my privilege that Prime
on from generation to generation, Minister Modi mentioned me
cleanliness as a trait gets in his ‘Mann Ki Baat’. It gives
imbibed in the entire society. me and people associated
There are innumerable examples with me encouragement to
where we find that the sanskar work even harder towards
of cleanliness has already making our surroundings
penetrated the society. Few such
and the State clean.”
people who are maintaining
the divinity of Dev Bhoomi – Manoj Bainjwal,
Uttarakhand by performing the Swachhata Warrior from
sadhana of cleanliness and Rudraprayag
service are Manoj Bainjwal, from