Page 55 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 55

Saadhna and Sanskar :
                The Swachhata Warriors of Uttarakhand
         The  Prime  Minister,  in  his  ‘Mann   clean on a mission mode. He also
         Ki Baat’ address, talked about    conducts regular cleanliness
         the people who are going out      programmes. The interesting
         of their way to keep the State of   fact about his programme is that
         Uttarakhand clean and green.      he has named it  Mann ki Baat.
         A team of Doordarshan talked      “It’s my responsibility to make
         to these Swachhata Warriors       Modi ji’s mission successful in
         of Uttarakhand about their        my area,” he said.
                                           Similarly,  Champa Devi from
         Rudraprayag’s  Manoj Bainjwal     village Devar has been working
         has  been  running  a  cleanliness   hard for the past three years
         drive in his area for                      to make the women
         the   past  25  years.                     of her village aware
         “Currently, through Seva                   about cleanliness and
         International,  I  have                    waste management.
         been  working towards                      Not     only    this,
         maintaining cleanliness                    Champa Devi has
         in four villages — Devar,                  also been  actively
         Sankari, Bhainsari, and                    planting trees in her
         Guptkashi,”  he  said.                     village  since  1984
         Bainjwal is also engaged                   and has successfully
         in making holy places plastic free   transformed a barren land into
         and has been engaged in creating   a  forest. “We  have  monthly
         awareness about cleanliness in    meetings   where   we   hold
         the community as well.            discussions on Swachhata and
                                           the environment. Earlier, the
         Bainjwal further said that despite
                                           garbage was littered at various
         dustbins being placed at various
                                           places. Now, we have created a
         places in Maidan Garhi area,
                                           green and beautiful wilderness.
         people still are disposing their
                                           We are (also) reviving the water
         garbage    irresponsibly  and
                                           resources,” she added. While
         polluting the pilgrimage sites. “I
                                           Champa Devi is grateful that the
         decided to pick up trash on my
                                           Prime Minister appreciated her
         way down the 3-km trek from
                                           work in ‘Mann ki Baat’, she also
         the Mataji Mandir along with my
                                           has a request for the devotees —
         fellow mates,” he added.
                                           to not litter the religious places
         Another      person      from     with garbage.
         Uttarakhand who has made
         cleanliness his life mantra is
         Surendra Bagwadi. Hailing from        To know more about the
         Guptkashi,  he has taken up the        Swachhata Warriors of
         responsibility of keeping his area   Uttarakhand, scan the QR code
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