Page 58 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 58
yoGa's MaGic on Mental and physical
health : MiraBai chanU
practicing it and was enlightened
by them about the dynamic
transformation one experiences
through Yoga. And since then, my
day starts with Surya Namaskar
and other breathing exercises of
Benefits of Practicing both Yoga
and Strength Training
When the stress-relief and
flexibility that Yoga provides
go hand in hand with muscle–
building features of strength
“Yoga and strength training training, it creates a balanced
are like peanut butter and workout that positively impacts
jelly, where one lacks, the your mind, body and soul. If you
other shines, and vice-versa! lift weights exclusively, you get
Both have their own place, but the benefit of strength building.
when combined, both offer a However, that’s often at the cost of
fully balanced schedule that flexibility. But, when you combine
essentially doubles up the Yoga and strength training into
benefits.” your daily routine, you get the
benefits of both!
Here’s how Silver Girl Mirabai
Chanu credited the ancient Deep Breathing at Dawn
practice as energy booster to
Yoga detaches us from daily
her sports performance.
stresses, and helps move our
‘Relaxation’ and ‘Inner Power’ body with the flow of our breath.
are the two things that instantly So, Surya Namaskar, Pranayama
spring to my mind when I hear along with other breathing
the word Yoga! However, during exercises is how I start my early
my initial years in weightlifting, morning hours. But I would be
I wasn’t aware of the magical wrong if I limit Yoga to asanas or
benefits of Yoga. But in 2014, while postures only. We should never fail
I was gearing up for the Glasgow to realize the immense benefits it
edition of the Commonwealth offers in uniting the body, mind,
Games, I noticed my seniors and breath. When you are in this