Page 56 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 56

UnitinG hUManity throUGh yoGa
                 India’s Quintessential Gift to the World

               From the world’s top business   On 21  June, 2022, when day breaks
        persons  to  film  and  sports     and the glistening rays of the Sun
        personalities,  from  students     turn the morning sky to crimson,
                                           the world will witness a first of its
        to common people, everyone
                                           kind celebration. On the occasion
        is making Yoga an integral
                                           of the 8  edition of the International
        part  of  one’s  life.  I  do  believe
                                           Day of Yoga, people will come
        that witnessing the increasing
                                           together as one to celebrate the
        popularity of Yoga across the
                                           source of light and life on Earth.
        world must be making you
                                           ‘Guardian Ring’ symbolises the
                                           unifying power of Yoga and it is
                                           an attempt to encourage people
          – Prime Minister Narendra Modi
                                           to take up Yoga to enrich their
           (in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)  quality of life. More than 25 crore
                                           people are expected to join in
                                           the celebrations from around the
                                           globe, which will be live-streamed
                                           from Japan at 6:00 AM local time
                                           and will move westwards as and
                                           where the Sun rises.
                                           Throughout history, Yoga has
           “It is a matter of great pride   been responsible for the material
           that our Hon’ble Prime          and spiritual upliftment of its
           Minister has appealed in        practitioner by acting as the
                                           unshakable bridge between the
           his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ address
                                           body and mind. Today, Yoga
           to make Yoga an integral
                                           has transcended the national
           part of our lives. Once
                                           boundaries and reached every
           there was a Narendra who
                                           nook and corner of the world,
           waived  the  flag  of  Yoga  all
                                           thereby uniting all humanity in
           around the  globe and the
                                           its true sense. Yoga’s universality
           world knows him as Swami        has reached new heights and it
           Vivekanand,  and    today       is the vision of the Hon’ble Prime
           we have a Narendra who          Minister Narendra Modi that has
           is doing  exactly the same,     been the driving force behind this
           promoting Yoga, promoting       worldwide push.
           our culture.”
                                           The Prime Minister, in his 89
            -Yogacharya Pratishtha ji      ‘Mann Ki Baat’ address, mentioned
                                           the  theme  of  the  International
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