Page 16 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 16

sheds where the cows live, which is   and dry fruits prepared by drying
        called 'khud' here. During snowfall,   them  have been  launched  in
        these sacks give protection to the   the market. With the initiative of
        cows from the cold. After winters,   the Pithoragarh administration
        this cow dung is used as manure    and the cooperation of the local
        in the fields. That is, the animals’   people, it has been successful
        protection using animal waste,     in bringing Bedu to the market
        and also manure for the fields.    in different forms. Bedu has also
        The cost of cultivation is also low,   been launched in the online
        and the yield in the fields is high.   market by branding it as Pahari
        That is why this area, these days,   Fig. Due to this, farmers have
        is also becoming an inspiration for   not  only  found  a  new  source  of
        natural farming.                   income, but the benefits of the
            Friends,    many      such     medicinal properties of Bedu have
        commendable efforts are also       started reaching far and wide as
        being seen in our other hill state,   well.
        Uttarakhand.  Many   types   of       My dear countrymen, in
        medicines and plants are found     the beginning of ‘Mann ki Baat’,
        in  Uttarakhand,  which  are  very   today, we referred to the Azadi Ka
        beneficial for our health. One of   Amrit Mahotsav. Along with the
        them is the fruit – Bedu. It is also   great festival of Independence
        known as Himalayan Fig. In this fruit,   Day, many more festivals are
        minerals  and  vitamins are found   lined up in the coming days.
        in abundance. People consume       Just a few days from now, is the
        it not only in the form of fruit, but   festival of Ganesh Chaturthi,
        it is also used in the treatment of   the festival of worship of Lord
        many diseases. In view of these    Ganesha. Ganesh Chaturthi, the
        qualities of this fruit, now the juice   festival  of  blessings  of  Ganpati
        of Bedu, jams, chutneys, pickles   Bappa. The festival of Onam is
                                           also commencing before Ganesh

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