Page 13 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 13

on research and innovation         in increasing awareness among
        related to this, FPOs are being    people about millets.
        encouraged, so that, production       My dear countrymen,
        can be increased. It is my request   just a few days ago, I saw news
        to my farmer brothers and sisters   from Jorsing village in Siang
        to adopt millets, that is, coarse   district of Arunachal Pradesh.
        grains, more and more and          This news was about a change
        benefit from them. It feels good   that the people of this village had
        to see that many such start-ups    been waiting for, for many years.
        are emerging today, which are      In fact, in Jorsing village this
        working on millets. Some of these   month, 4G internet services have
        are  making  millet  cookies, while   started from Independence Day.
        some  are  also making  millet     Like, earlier people used to be
        pancakes and dosa. There are       happy when electricity reached
        some  who  are  making millet      the village; now, in new India, the
        energy bars, and Millet breakfasts.   same happiness is felt when 4G
        I wish all the very best to all the   reaches there. There has been a
        people working in this field. In   new sunrise in the form of 4G in
        this festive season, we also use   the remote areas of Arunachal
        millets in most of the dishes. You   and  North   East;   internet
        must share the pictures of such    connectivity has brought a new
        delicacies made in your homes      dawn. Facilities which were once
        on social media, so that it helps   available only in big cities, have

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