Page 14 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 14

been brought to every village      of Digital India, the work of Setha
        through Digital India. For this    Singh ji has increased so much,
        reason, new digital entrepreneurs   that now he gets orders from all
        are rising in the country. Setha   over the country. He has given
        Singh Rawat ji of Ajmer district of   employment to hundreds of
        Rajasthan runs ‘Darji Online’, an   women  here.  Digital  India  has
        ’E-store’. You will wonder what    also turned Om Prakash Singh
        is 'Darji online'! Actually, Setha   ji of Unnao, UP into a digital
        Singh Rawat used to do tailoring   entrepreneur. He has established
        work before Covid. When Covid      more    than   one   thousand
        came, Rawat ji did not take this   broadband connections in his
        challenge as a difficulty; rather   village. Om Prakash ji has also
        as  an opportunity.  He joined     built a free wifi zone around his
        the ‘common service centre’        common service centre, which
        i.e. CSC E-Store, and started      is helping the needy people a
        working online. He saw that        lot. Om Prakash ji’s work has
        customers were placing orders      increased so much that he has
        for masks in large numbers. He     hired more than 20 people. These
        hired  some  women  and started    people are providing broadband
        getting masks made. After this,    connection   to  the   schools,
        he started his online store named   hospitals,  tehsil  offices  and
        ‘Darji Online’ in which he started   Anganwadi centers of the villages
        selling  stitched  clothes  of  many   and are also getting employment
        other kinds. Today, with the power   from it. Like the common service
                                                   center, there are many
                                                   such success stories
                                                   which are being seen
                                                   on   the   Government
                                                   E-market place i.e. GEM
                                                       Friends, I get many
                                                   such messages from
                                                   villages, which share
                                                   with me the changes
                                                   brought about by the
                                                   internet. The internet
                                                   has changed the way
                                                   our young friends study
                                                   and learn. For example,
                                                   when    Gudiya   Singh
                                                   of UP came to her in-

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