Page 12 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 12

and they also try to collect a lot   also beneficial for the farmers,
        of  information  about  our  coarse   especially the small farmers. In
        grains, about millets. Millets,    fact, the crop gets ready in a very
        coarse grains, have been a part    short time, and does not require
        of our agriculture, culture and    much water either.
        civilization since ancient times.     Farmers,    especially  the
        Millets are mentioned in our       small farmers. Millet hay is also
        Vedas, and similarly, they are     considered the best fodder.
        also mentioned in Purananuru       Nowadays, the young generation
        and Tolkappiyam. If you go to      is much focused on healthy living
        any  part  of  the country,  you  will   and eating. Even if you look at it
        definitely  find  different  types  of   this way, millets contain plenty of
        millets in the food of the people   protein, fiber, and minerals. Many
        there. In millets too, just like our   people even call it a Superfood.
        culture, a lot of diversity is found.   Millets have many benefits, not
        Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Sawan, Kangni,   just  one.  Along with  reducing
        Cheena, Kodo, Kutki, Kuttu, all    obesity, they also reduce the risk of
        these are just millets. India is the   diabetes, hypertension and heart
        largest producer of millets in the   related diseases. Along with that,
        world; hence the responsibility of   they are also helpful in preventing
        making this initiative a success   stomach and liver ailments. We
        also rests on the shoulders of us   referred to malnutrition, just a
        Indians. Together, we all have to   while ago. Millets are also very
        make it a mass movement, and       beneficial in fighting malnutrition,
        also increase the awareness        since they are packed with energy
        of millets among the people        as well as protein. Today, a lot is
        of the country. And friends,       being done to promote millets in
        you know very well, millets are    the country. Along with focusing

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