Page 15 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 15

ki Baat’ from Himachal
                                                 Pradesh. Ramesh ji has
                                                 enumerated         many
                                                 specialities of the hills in
                                                 his letter. He wrote that
                                                 the settlements on the
                                                 mountains might be far
                                                 apart, but the hearts of the
                                                 people are very close to
                                                 each other. Indeed, we can
                                                 learn a lot from the lives of
                                                 the people living in the hills.
                                                 The first lesson we get from
                                                 the lifestyle and culture of
                                                 the hills is that if we do not
                                                 come under the pressure
                                                 of circumstances, we can
                                                 easily  overcome   them,
                                                 and secondly, how we can
                                                 become self-sufficient with
                                                 local resources. The first
                                                 lesson that I mentioned,
                                                 a beautiful picture of it
                                                 is being seen in the Spiti
        laws’ house in Amoiya village of         region these days. Spiti
        Unnao, she was worried about       is a tribal area. Here, these days,
        her   studies.  But,  BharatNet    pea plucking goes on. This is a
        resolved her concern. Gudiya       laborious and difficult task on hill
                                           farms. But here, the women of
        carried  on  with  her studies
        through the internet, and also     the village gather, and together,
                                           pluck peas from each other’s
        completed her graduation. How
                                           fields. Along with this task, women
        many such lives in villages are
                                           also sing the local song ‘Chhapra
        getting new strength from the
                                           Majhi Chhapra’.  That  is, mutual
        Digital India campaign. Do write
                                           cooperation here is also a part of
        to me as much as you can about
                                           folk tradition. The best example of
        the Digital Entrepreneurs of the
                                           utilization of local resources is also
        villages, and also share their
                                           found in Spiti. Farmers who rear
        success stories on social media.
                                           cows in Spiti, dry up the dung and
            My dear countrymen,
                                           fill it in sacks. When winter comes,
        sometime back, I received a letter
                                           these sacks are laid out in the
        from Ramesh ji, a listener of ‘Mann
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