Page 20 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 20

Amrit Sarovar

                                           Conserving Water Heritage

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            The importance of water
        and water conservation has               °fûIYf¹f °f³f¹ff¹f VfÔ ¹fû:Ü
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        been explained in our culture
        thousands of years ago. When             À±ff°fb: ªf¦f°fû ªfd³fÂfe:ÜÜ
        we  see  this  knowledge  in
        today’s context, we get thrilled,     O water, you are the best friend
        but  when  the  nation  accepts    of humanity. You are the giver of
        this knowledge as its strength,    life, food is produced from you,
        then their power increases         and from you is the well-being of
                                           our children. You are the protector
        -Prime Minister Narendra Modi      of us and keep us away from all
         (in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)   evils. You are the best medicine,
                                           and you are the sustainer of this
                                              Water has always  held  a
                                           special significance in Indian
                                           culture and society. In our ancient
                                           scriptures, water is seen as a
                                           primordial spiritual symbol. The
                                           Chandogya Upanishad describes
                                           water as ‘nectar’ and the Atharva
          "The Hon’ble Prime Minister      Veda talks about water as a
          has    launched    various       substance that guarantees our
          schemes   and    programs        welfare, cures all our diseases, and
          during his tenure till now and   increases our happiness. Water
          the impact of these initiatives   is also one of the five constituent
          can be seen at grassroot         elements of  Panchmahabhuta -
          level. Mission Amrit Sarovar     the basis of all cosmic creations.
          will nourish the otherwise          Our   ancestors  were   well
          dry land of the village and
                                           aware about the importance of
          the earth will again start
                                           water and water conservation
          flourishing. Amrit Sarovar will
                                           for a sustainable future. Ancient
          make villages  Atmanirbhar
                                           architectural marvels like the Great
          and it will help the nation in
                                           Bath from Harappan Civilization,
          becoming Atmanirbhar.”
                                           Rani ki Vav in Gujarat, Kallanai Dam
          -Padam Shri Shyam Sundar Paliwal
                                           in Tamil Nadu, and the various
                     Rajsmand, Rajasthan
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