Page 11 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 11

participation has become an
        important part of the Nutrition
        campaign.    By    providing
        mobile devices to millions
        of  Anganwadi  workers  in  the
        country, a Poshan Tracker
        has also been launched to
        monitor the accessibility of
        Anganwadi services. In all the
        Aspirational Districts and the
        states of the North East, 14 to
        18 year-old daughters have
        also been brought under
        the  purview  of  the POSHAN
        Abhiyaan.  The solution to the
        malady of malnutrition is not      discuss  this  in  the  upcoming
        limited  just  to  these  steps  –  in   episode of ‘Mann ki Baat’. It gives
        this  fight,  many other  initiatives   me immense happiness to see this
        also play an important  role. For   kind of spirit in my countrymen.
        example, take the Jal Jeevan       You will remember that the United
        Mission…this mission is also       Nations  has  passed  a resolution
        going to have a huge impact in     declaring the year 2023 as the
        making India malnutrition free.    International  Year  of  Millets.  You
        Efforts for social awareness play   will also be very happy to know
        an important role in tackling      that this proposal of India had
        the challenges of malnutrition.    been accepted by more than 70
        I  would  urge  all  of  you  in  the   countries.
        coming nutrition month, to take       Today, around the world,
        part in the efforts to eradicate   craze for these very coarse grains,
        malnutrition.                      millets,  is  rising.  Friends,  when  I
            My dear countrymen,            talk about coarse grains, I want
        Sridevi  Varadarajan   ji  from    to share one of my efforts with
        Chennai has sent me a reminder.    you today. For the last some time,
        She has written something like     when any foreign guests come to
        this on MyGov – There are less     India, when Head of States come
        than 5 months left for the New     to India, it is my endeavor to get
        Year  to  come,  and  we  all  know   dishes made from the millets of
        that the ensuing New Year will be   India, that is, our coarse grains in
        celebrated as the International    the banquets. And the experience
        Year of Millets. She has also sent   has been that these dignitaries
        me a millet map of the country.    have  very  much  relished  them
        She’s also asked if you could
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