Page 25 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 25

Karnataka’s Bilkerur Lake : Bringing

                     Prosperity to the Village

            Inspired by the vision of      funds from Central schemes
        Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra    were utilized for the project. After
        Modi to revive and conserve the    successfully reviving the Bilkerur
        lakes under the banner of Mission   lake, we hope that it will result in
        Amrit Sarovar, the Bilkerur Gram   development and prosperity of
        Panchayat has developed Bilkerur   our village.”
        Lake. The residents of the village,   Shri Basvraj Patil, a resident
        the gram panchayat president       of the Bilkerur Gram Panchayat,
        and development officer came       while highlighting the impact
        together to revive Bilkerur lake   of the Bilkerur lake, said, “The
        with a cost of Rs 28 lakhs.        revived lake is providing water to
            The President of Bilkerur      the livestock and helping farmers
        Gram  Panchayat  talked  to  our   in irrigating their fields.”
        Doordarshan team about the            After the mention by the
        lake.                              Prime Minister in his 'Mann ki Baat',
            Shri Kamlesh Gowda said,       the Bilkerur lake has become a
        "The revival and development of    centre of attraction, not just for
        Bilkerur lake is a result of the hard   the State but the country too.
        work by people of the village. The

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