Page 22 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 22

   A   M  R  I T   S A  R  O  V  A  R
                                           PMKSY     sub-schemes     such
   CONSERVING WATER FOR FUTURE             as   Watershed    Development
                                           Component, Har Khet ko Pani,
                                           along with States’ own schemes.
           88,636 sites identified             Following the Prime Minister’s
           across the nation               mantra   of   janbhagidari  se
                                           janaandolan,  the  Amrit  Sarovar
           Work commenced on               mission encourages mobilisation
           49,562 sites out of total       of citizens and non-government
           Identified Sites                resources to achieve the set
                                           targets.  In  the  past,  the  country
            Work completed on              has seen many exemplars of the
                                           strength of people’s participation,
            21,912 sites.                  be it the Swachha Bharat Mission
                                           or the COVID vaccination drive.
                                           And thus, active participation of
                                           common citizens in the revival
                                           and conservation of old water
                                           bodies is one of the focal points
                                           of the Amrit Sarovar mission as
                                           well. Today, only four months
                                           since the launch, the mission
                                           has transformed into a mass
                                           movement. Local freedom fighters
                                           and their familes, martyrs' family
                                           members, Padma Awardees, and
            With the active participation   the citizens are being engaged at
                               *As on 01/09/2022
        of   six  Ministries/Departments   all the stages of the construction of
        namely, Department of Rural        these new Amrit Sarovars. People
        Development, Department of Land    from various parts of the country
        Resources, Department of Drinking   are  channelizing  themselves
        Water and Sanitation, Department   to contribute in making Amrit
        of  Water  Resources,  Ministry  of
        Panchayati Raj, and Ministry of     “The   way   Prime   Minister
        Environment, Forest and Climate     Narendra Modi highlighted
        Change, the Amrit Sarovar mission   Niwari in front of the whole
        has been launched with a whole-     nation, it has brought a
        of-Government approach across       wave of happiness and pride
        the nation. The aim to develop      among the people who have
        75 Amrit Sarovars in each district   worked on the development of
        is being achieved through States    Shaheed Bhagat Singh Amrit
        and districts by refocusing of      Sarovar.”
        various schemes like MGNREGS,          -Hardas Charhar, Resident,
        XV Finance Commission Grants,            Niwari, Lalitpur District, UP

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