Page 23 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 23

Sarovars in their locales.         challenges related to the water
            These    Amrit    Sarovars,    crisis. With the strength and zeal
        developed   by   administration    involved in this mission at ground-
        with  the  help of communities,    level, the day is not far when every
        will not only conserve water for   village, every district will be a
        household  use  and  farming,  but   proud custodian of beautiful Amrit
        will also play an important role in   Sarovars.
        quenching the thirst of animals.
        The development of such sarovars   Scan the QR code to watch
        will eventually lead to rise in    a special report on Mission
        the groundwater table and an       Amrit Sarovar.
        improved and healthy vegetation
        in  the  surrounding  areas.  Some
        of these newly-developed Amrit
                                                 PM’s clarion call
        Sarovars are also being used
        as fishing grounds by the local
                                             “I urge all of you, especially
                                             my young friends, to actively
            The Amrit Sarovar mission is
                                             participate in the Amrit
        an effort to secure our future in
        a world reeling under the effects    Sarovar campaign and lend
        of climate change and depleting      full strength to these efforts
        natural    resources.    These       of water conservation and
        rejuvenated water bodies, under      water storage and take them
        the mission, hold the promise        forward.”
        of resolution of the biggest

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