Page 24 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 24

Mangtya-Valya Thanda’s Amrit

          Sarovar : An exemplar of Janandolan

            When Prime Minister Shri       Officer of Parvathagiri about the
        Narendra Modi first mentioned      impact  of the  newly developed
        Mission Amrit Sarovar in April     Amrit Sarovar.
        2022, it motivated the villagers      “Ever since the Amrit Sarovar
        of Gram Panchayat Mangtya-         has been made, the water-level
        Valya Thanda of Parvathagiri       in the borewells has increased.
        Mandal, Warangal, Telangana.       The water of Amrit Sarovar is
        The village, that is close to the   not being used just for irrigation,
        forest, had a place nearby         but it is also quenching the
        where the monsoon water used       thirst of cattle and wild animals
        to accumulate. They decided to     of the forest nearby,” he said.
        bring this up to the Gram Sabha    Talking  about the  future plans
        and suggested the development      for the project, he added, “The
        of an Amrit Sarovar at the site.   future plan is to develop this
        Taking the Prime Minister's vision   Amrit Sarovar as a site of fish
        and the idea of the villagers      farming.”
        forward, the Mandal Parishad          Today, the beautiful Amrit
        released around 9 lakhs 98         Sarovar is exemplar of how
        thousand Rupees for the project    people can make a difference by
        under MGNREGA.                     coming together with a common
            The team of Doordarshan        goal of changing the landscape
        talked to Shri Santosh Kumar, the   of their region.
        Mandal Parishad  Development

         Image for representational purpose only

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