Page 27 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 27

Mocha’s Amrit Sarovar : Enhancing

                   the Area’s Natural Beauty

            Mocha Gram Panchayat,
        situated near Kanha National
        Park, has built a magnificent
        lake giving a unique example
        of water conservation. The
        newly   constructed   Amrit
        Sarovar is enhancing the
        natural beauty of Mandla
        district which is already very
        beautiful and green.
            Built near the Khatia
        gate of Kanha National Park,       brought   happiness   for  the
        the   construction   of  Amrit     people of the areas surrounding
        Sarovar cost around Rupees         Kanha National Park. Today,
        24 lakh 95 thousand. The work      due to this newly-built lake, the
        on this project started in April   farmers have easy accessibility
        with people’s participation and    to water to irrigate their farms.
        MGNREGA. Today, the Amrit          Abdul  Jameel  Khan, a tourism
        Sarovar is not just quenching      professional  and  a  resident of
        the thirst of wild animals living   the district said, "We are thankful
        in the national park, but also     to Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri
        addressing the problem of water    Narendra Modi for mentioning
        crisis in the region.              our    Amrit   Sarovar.   This
            Our Doordarshan team got       appreciation  will,  eventually,
        in touch with the residents of the   result in rise of tourism in the
        district.                          region and the villagers will get
            Shri Than Singh, a resident    new modes of earning in the
        of Mandla district, mentioned      coming times."
        that this Amrit Sarovar has

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