Page 26 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 26

Shaheed Bhagat Singh Amrit Sarovar:

         Source of Employment & Pride for the Locals

            To preserve and renovate       beautification work will start, we
        ancient water resources, Mission   will again be employed in our
        Amrit Sarovar has been launched    own village and we will be able
        as part of 'Azadi ka Amirt         to use the money for our kids.” A
        Mahotsav'.  In this  sequence,  the   member of Self-Help Group, Smt.
        Shaheed Bhagat Singh Amrit         Prabha Charhar, mentioned that
        Sarovar has been developed         many women got a chance to
        in the Niwari village of Lalitpur   contribute to the construction of
        District, Uttar Pradesh. This Amrit   the Amrit Sarovar  and  generate
        Sarovar is spread over four acres   livelihoods for their families.
        of land. The tree plantation on the   Shri Rajeev Bajpai, the Gram
        lakeside increases the beauty of   Pradhan of Niwari said, “The
        the site and today, people from    construction of Amrit Sarovar in
        far off places are coming here     the village is a step that nobody
        to see the 35-feet high tricoulor   had ever thought could be
        near the Amrit Sarovar.            taken. The project has generated
            Our   Doordarshan    team      employment for many people in
        talked to the stakeholders of the   the region.” He added that all the
        Niwari village.                    workers who worked to make this
            Shri  Rameshwar    Purohit,    Amrit Sarovar and the villagers
        who is a resident of Niwari village   were invited to the event in
        and a MGNREGA  worker,  said,      which they unfurled the 35-feet
        “The Shaheed Bhagat Singh          high National Flag. The wave of
        Amrit Sarovar has benefited        pride and happiness among the
        as a lot as we earned money        people was worth witnessing.
        without migrating to the city.     Talking about the future plans
        In the coming times when the       for the Amrit Sarovar, Shri Bajpai
                                                       said, “The upcoming
                                                       beautification work
                                                       on   the   Sarovar
                                                       will provide water
                                                       to   farmers    for
                                                       irrigation activities
                                                       and the time is not
                                                       far when Shaheed
                                                       Bhagat       Singh
                                                       Amrit Sarovar will
                                                       become  a  tourist
                                                       attraction      for
                                                       people around.”

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