Page 32 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 32

Scheme     (ICDS),  channeling     and e-ILA (Incremental Learning
        most of the work through the       Approach) are being utilised for
        coordinated efforts of Anganwadi   monitoring, prompt preventive
        Centres (AWCs), ASHA workers       action, effective service delivery
        and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives       and dynamic policy planning.
        (ANMs) from across the country.       By creating an environment
        With the help of this powerful     for exchange of ideas and
        triad, multiple programmes are     exploring avenues of cooperation
        effectively reaching the mother-   and partnerships, a momentum
        child duo within the first 1,000   is being created for effective
        days of a child’s birth, including   behavioural  change  towards
        ante  and  postnatal  care and     nutrition through Jan Bhagidari.
        checkups, immunization, group      ‘Poshan Pakhwadas’ and ‘Poshan
        counseling on health, nutrition    Maahs’   serve  as  significant
        and sanitation, diseases, and      strategies in changing nutrition
        family   planning    measures.     practices  by  mobilizing  the
        Services like ‘Take Home Ration’   masses. The Prime Minister, in
        and ‘Hot Cooked Meal’ have         the 92  edition of ‘Mann ki Baat’,
        directly reached 42 lakh and 1.17   highlighted the innovative and
        crore beneficiaries, respectively.
            Not only that, AWCs have        "Hon'ble    Prime    Minister
        been    empowered      digitally    included the 'Mera Bachha'
        with smart phones and growth        campaign of our Datia district
        monitoring devices to provide       in the 'Mann ki Baat' address,
        real-time  data   of  stunting,     which is a big honour for
                                            all of us. We never thought
        wasting    and    under-weight
                                            that the work we are doing
        prevalence in children through
                                            at the grassroot level will
        POSHAN Tracker app. Through
                                            reach the Prime Minister. We
        this app, over 2.8 crore Pregnant
                                            give  assurance  to  our  Prime
        Women and Lactating Mothers
                                            Minister that we will continue
        have   been    enrolled  under
                                            doing it with the same spirit."
        the scheme. Further, software
                                                        -Pratibha Pathak
        technologies like the ICDS-CAS
                                                 Anganwadi Worker, Datia
        (Common Application Software)
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