Page 30 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 30

POSHAN for Holistic Nutrition

                    Janbhagidari Making India Malnutrition-free

                                              India   has   one   of  the
            The month of September is
        dedicated to festivals as well     youngest populations globally
        as a big campaign related to       and with nearly 20 per cent of the
        nutrition. We celebrate the        world’s ‘under 4’ population, the
        Poshan Maah every year from
                                           country is home to the largest
        the 1  to the 30  of September.
        Many creative and diverse          number of children globally.
        efforts are being made all         As these young citizens enter
        over   the  country   against      the workforce, India will reap
        malnutrition. Better use of        this demographic dividend to
        technology and also public
                                           catapult the country's economic
        participation has become an
        important part of the Nutrition    growth. It is paramount that they
        campaign.                          are healthy, and full of ideas to
                                           successfully  drive the vision  of
        -Prime Minister Narendra Modi
                                           New India.
         (in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)
                                              "Yatha     Annam      Tatha
                                              Mental    and    intellectual
                                           development is directly related
                                           to the quality of our food intake.
          "First of all, I want to thank the   Nutrition and proper nourishment
          Prime Minister for mentioning    play a big role in helping children
          such a huge campaign on          attain their optimum potential
          'Mann ki Baat'. Only by talking   and show  their mettle.  The
          about malnutrition, making       health of a nation depends on
          people  aware  of  it  and       the health and well-being of its
          explaining the problems of       infants, children, adolescent girls,
          malnutrition to children and     pregnant and lactating mothers.
          parents, can we overcome         Thus, ensuring an adequate and
          this issue and make India        nutritious diet for them helps in
          malnutrition  free  in  the      developing a nation of healthy,
          coming times."
                                           productive adults contributing
                      -Geeta Phogat
                                           towards       transformational
             Wrestler, Commonwealth
                                           economic and social changes.
                       Gold Medalist
                                              To ensure the wholesome
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