Page 35 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 35

                       Wrestler, Commonwealth Gold Medalist

            Geeta Phogat in conversation   our children as well as in ourselves,
        with Doordarshan about the         like eating more home-cooked
        importance of a balnced diet and   food and less outside food. Give
        proper nutrition.                  milk, curd, ghee, salad, vegetable
                                           to the children—a full meal. The
            “First of all, I want to thank the
                                           child should be breastfed till
        Prime Minister for mentioning such
        a huge campaign on 'Mann ki Baat'.   one year and then gradually fed
                                           home-cooked food grains. The
        Only by talking about malnutrition,
        making people aware of it and      Prime Minister has launched a
                                           campaign against malnutrition
        by  explaining  the  problems of
        malnutrition  to  children  and    and all of us should work together
                                           to get rid of malnutrition from our
        parents, can we overcome this
        issue and make India malnutrition   country.
                                              I am an athlete and my
        free in the coming times.
            A balanced diet is not only    approach to fight malnutrition
                                           would be to play more. I think the
        for the people suffering from
        malnutrition but for every person.   more we play sports, the more
                                           we sweat, the more we will feel
        It matters to everyone, especially
        children. I have a son and people   hungry and then we will need
                                           the same diet. And if the diet
        ask me about what should they
        feed  their children. I  want to  say   is balanced, then this problem
                                           called malnutrition will go away
        this to all the parents that we
        should inculcate certain habits in   on its own.”
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                                           Geeta Phogat's views on

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