Page 37 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 37
A Unique Poshan campaign is nurturing
Datia's children
In the Anganwadi Centres of 'Bal Bhoj' on Saturdays at each
Datia district of Madhya Pradesh, Anganwadi Centre to provide
various major programmes nutritious food to the children.
like ‘Mera Bachha’ and ‘Poshan We would like to thank the Prime
Matka’ are being organized Minister and request that his
to make India malnutrition- blessings be with us like this so
free. Datia has also received that we keep making such efforts
Excellence Award in POSHAN and our Datia's name remains
Abhiyaan and this campaign bright like this."
is being run with Jan Bhagidari Datia Anganwadi workers are
along with other schemes of the eliminating malnutrition through
Government. 'Mera Bachha' campaign and
Our Doordarshan team working for women and child
spoke to Datia district officer and development with the help of
Anganwadi workers. nutrition gurus using Bhajan-
Arvind Upadhyay, Women Kirtan. Pratibha Pathak, an
and Child Development Anganwadi worker from Datia
Officer, said, “We encourage district, says, "For 'Mera Bachha'
every woman through public campaign all of us have worked
participation under the 'Poshan hard and diligently to combat
Matka' campaign to bring malnutrition. We give assurance
a handful of grains so that to our Prime Minister that we will
they can feel like a part of the continue doing it with the same
Anganwadi Centre. Anganwadi spirit.”
workers prepare different recipes Anganwadi worker Preeti
from these grains and organize Namdev says that, "'Mera
Bachha' campaign was started
from September 2019, and since
then we made all the efforts
to make our India malnutrition
free." Another Anganwadi worker
Vimala Yogi added, "I want to
express my gratitude to the
Prime Minister that he took the
name of Datia with such pride.
We Datia residents, all the
workers and our Women and
Child Development team work
with great joy, excitement and
heart and we will continue to
do so.