Page 46 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 46
From 6 to 2,000 Boxes, Subhash
Kamboj’s Beekeeping is Going Strong
A beekeeper hailing from
Yamunanagar, Haryana,
caught the attention of
the nation when the Prime
Minister in his recent ‘Mann
ki Baat’ address shared
the sweet success story of
his beekeeping profession.
Subhash Kamboj, a farmer
and a beekeeper, has
undergone scientific training
in beekeeping. With his
dedication and hard work,
he has taken ‘Kamboz Honey
Bee Farm Private Limited’ to
the pinnacle of success; his
business which started with
merely six boxes, has now
reached a whopping two
thousand boxes with its honey
supplied across many states farmer’s crops and generating
of India. employment, especially for the
For the youth of today and unemployed youth.
the farmers who wish to excel in Talking about his mention in
the honey production and the ‘Mann ki Baat’, Subhash ji said,
beekeeping sector, he encourages “I am extremely grateful to the
them to start from a small level, Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
and with their hard work and who in his recent ‘Mann ki Baat’
passion, they will soar to greater address shared my work and
heights, not only industry-wise success story on such a huge
but even monetarily. Subhash platform, reaching millions of
ji believes that it is a growing Indians. It is an excellent source
field and has many perks of its of inspiration for people across
own; it not only doubles farmers’ the nation and gives them the
incomes by being an additional motivation to work meticulously
and lucrative source but is also a in their respective fields and for
sustainable source of increasing the country at large.”