Page 47 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 47
Vinod Kumar: The Pride of
Jammu’s Palli Village
In his recent ‘Mann ki Baat’ colonies and further generate
address, the Hon'ble PM Narendra employment for many.
Modi shared an inspiring story Vinod Kumar’s daughter,
of a beekeeper from Village Palli Bhawna after pursuing her B.Sc,
in Jammu who not only makes plans on walking in the footsteps of
Rs 15-20 lakhs annually from the her father by further studying and
profession but has also undergone working in the field of beekeeping.
advanced training in rearing the “My father is my inspiration. Since
unique queen bee. our childhood, we have seen him
Our Doordarshan team talked work hard in his profession. And all
to Vinod Kumar about his work. his hard work and persistence has
“I have been working in the come to fruition when the PM Modi
sector of beekeeping for 27 years mentioned his name in his ‘Mann ki
now. I started work on a small Baat’ in front of the entire nation. I
scale and today, I own 1200-1300 feel extremely proud of him and will
boxes on which I happily and continue to follow his path in this
handsomely run my household. I growing field of honey production.”
wish more and more of our farmer Elated at his mention in ‘Mann
brothers to take up the profession ki Baat’, he said, “It is a matter of
of beekeeping along with other pride, not just for me and my family,
professions, that will certainly help but for my entire village to get
them increase their incomes,” recognized on such a platform.”
Vinod Kumar said.
Vinod Kumar, who has become Scan here to know more
the pride of Palli village, is currently about the story of Vinod
engaged in beekeeping in more Kumar
than one and half thousand