Page 54 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 54

Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma
                               Chief Minister, Assam

                 JOY AND EXPERIENCE OF
                 MADHAVPUR GHED MELA

            We had started rather early    mind. It was the soil of Madhavpur
        from Porbandar. The road from      of Gujarat where Lord Krishna
        Porbandar to Madhavpur was         married to Rukmini Devi, the
        excellent, running  parallel to the   daughter of Northeast India. I
        Arabian Sea. The breeze was        considered myself privileged to
        palpable, and so was the quality   be able  to  bow  to this ‘Dhanya
        of public  infrastructure  – truly   Punya Bhumi’, which is not only
        reflecting the spirit and ethos of   pious but has also given some of
        vibrant Gujarat.                   the greatest sons of this country
            It was my first visit to this part   -  Mahatma  Gandhi,  Sardar
        of Gujarat. I was heading towards   Vallabhbhai Patel and in recent
        Madhavpur to participate in a      times Shri Narendra Modi Ji, to
        local fair.                        name a few.
            As a minister for nearly          My state  Assam is also
        two decades and now as Chief       famous for its fairs and festivals.
        Minister, I have had the privilege   The Ambubachi Fair, colloquially
        of visiting many places within the   called Ambubachi Mela, takes
        state, country and also to some    place annually at the premises
        countries abroad. During such      of Kamakhya Temple situated
        visits, I learn and understand     on the Nilachal Hills in Guwahati.
        many facets of the culture, society   This  fair is a unique cultural and
        and people of the places visited.   spiritual congregation of devotees
            We reached slightly ahead      from across the country. My visit to
        of time, followed by a grand       Madhavpur Ghed Mela in Gujarat,
        reception. Hon'ble Chief Minister   however helped me to realize that
        of Gujarat was himself there.      the essence of our country lies
        Throughout my journey, many        in unity in diversity. Not without
        mythological stories came to my    reasons, therefore, our great

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